Thursday 25 April 2013

Q3- Benn

I agree with the statement as many songs that have been poor have got into the charts and top 10 on YouTube because people take the song and do their interpretations of it. For example 'Harlem Shake' by Baauer isn't particularly a good song which you would think a song writer has sat down for days creating, improving and putting real meaning into, it is just a bunch if sounds put together which people could do a funny dance to as it is irrational and spontaneous. Another example of this would be Lady Gaga who's eccentric clothing draws attention to her, because of this people remember her and look her up to see what she does. Although the music itself is poor people remember and are attracted by the visuals. Places like X Factor do not help this as they make band and promote bands they know will sell purely on visuals for example One Direction many girls fantasise over but only for there looks as they re use music they know will sell as it has a past audience, so they get money from the old audience who liked it when it was first released and the new audience who support the band, this is called a back catalogue.

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